
Showing posts from April, 2018

Introduction to the smart car project

Welcome to my new blog! I recently bought a Raspberry Pi based smart car from Freenove as a fun little intro to robotics and computer vision. This blog is to document my progress and my code. I've only just started, but hopefully I can get somewhere interesting. And I'm looking forward to playing with opencv using the images generated by my car. Besides the car from Freenove, I needed a couple of other things, so here was my shopping list: Freenove 3-wheeled smart car kit, for raspberry pi Raspberry Pi model 3 B+ Raspberry Pi power supply micro SD card (SDXC preferable) micro SD card reader 2 * 18650 lithium batteries 18650 lithium battery charger good quality USB camera magnetic tip phillips head screwdriver (for all those fiddly little screws) Note that the car does come with a usb camera, but I wanted something higher end, something better suited for computer vision experiments. Next, I spent an afternoon setting up the raspberry pi so I could VNC in to a static wifi